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Summer Projects Update – September 20, 2024

Fall is in the air, and with just 85 days until our target opening day our projects are in high gear!  Here’s a quick update on everything we have going on to elevate your experience this winter:

Lithia Chairlift Construction
Our lift crew has made exceptional progress over the past few weeks.  The foundations are dug for all of the towers and terminals, and we have received on-site all the carriers, towers, sheave assemblies, cable, communication line, and a few of the structures.  The concrete has been poured for the top and bottom terminals, and the electrical lines will be completed soon.  Over the next week, we expect to have concrete poured on most of the towers.

The top terminal as of 9/19. This unloading terminal will be the same elevation as Sonnet, and will be where the drive for the chairlift is located.

Aisle 2 Widening
The widening of Aisle 2 continues to come along nicely, too.  We expect for this to be wrapped up in a few weeks.  The intent of this project is to make Aisle 2 about twice as wide as it was, and to improve the grade for more inexperienced skiers.

Night Lighting Upgrades
We are on schedule to have all the existing night lighting replaced with the new LED fixtures for this season.  Everything on Sonnet has already been replaced and tested, and crews have wrapped up fixtures on the main mountain that are on poles–moving on to the fixtures mounted on trees this week.  We have approval to add lights to all of Bottom and Windsor Chairline, but this is dependent on success of the current fundraising campaign in time for the winter.  We do also plan to install lighting on Poma and Lupine (formerly called Lodge Poma) for this season, if conditions permit.  Check out our season pass page for info on how to purchase a 24/25 season Twilight Pass.

One of the new LED fixtures mounted on tower 3 of Sonnet.
Bar Deck Repairs
The bar deck has been rebuilt and is open again for our private rentals this fall.  We replaced the wooden section with all new beams and decking, and also resurfaced all the concrete sections.  This week we also replaced all the carpet near the bar deck entrance door.

Bar deck has been rebuilt and is ready!
Donor Wall Relocation
All of the plaques have been removed from the old location and are currently being refurbished.  The next steps are to remove the structural backbone from the old location and to rebuild in the new spot on the 2nd floor opposite the Bold Line Bistro.
Completed Projects:
  • New kitchen exhaust fan & protective awning
  • Bar deck rebuild
  • Bar door carpet replacement
~Andrew G.
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