Mt. Ashland Goes Solar
We are proud to announce the installation of a solar energy array at Mt. Ashland!
Mt. Ashland – and the ski industry as a whole – must become part of the solution to global climate change. We depend on water falling out of the sky as snow. If predictions hold, we’ll see shorter winters with less snowfall over the next few decades.
Working with the Blue Sky Program through Pacific Power, the Energy Trust of Oregon, STOKE Certified, and our donors and supporters, Mt. Ashland installed 85 solar panels at the ski area. These panels, installed by True South Solar, are tied into the grid through a “net metering agreement” which allows the ski area to sell excess power back to Pacific Power when it’s not needed on site.
The system offsets about 12% of Mt. Ashland’s annual energy usage. We are streaming live energy production data on our website HERE.