It’s a POWDER DAY with 9 inches on the 24 hour stake!Mountain Report
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Acknowledging Native Land

In collaboration with Indigenous and Native skiers and outdoor leaders, Mt. Ashland wrote its land acknowledgment statement as a foundational step toward recognizing the role Native and Indigenous people play in our past, present, and future connection to the land and its natural resources.  This statement was developed with the understanding that the land on which we recreate is historical and ancestral land originally belonging to Native and Indigenous people and nations, including Takelma and Shasta peoples.

Mt. Ashland Ski Area Land Acknowledgment Statement

We acknowledge that the Mt. Ashland Ski Area is located on the traditional lands of the Takelma, Shasta, and other Indigenous peoples who have lived and stewarded these lands for thousands of years.  This mountain, known as Siskiyou in Takelma tradition, holds deep cultural and spiritual significance to these communities.

We honor the enduring relationship between Indigenous peoples and this land, and we commit to respectful stewardship that reflects the values of sustainability, connection, and gratitude.  We also recognize the lasting impacts of colonization and the importance of amplifying Indigenous voices and histories as part of our community’s journey toward reconciliation and understanding.

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