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Mt. Ashland's Environment

Mt. Ashland is located at the highest point of the ancient Siskiyou Mountains. The Klamath-Siskiyou region is blessed with some of the world’s highest concentrations of temperate biodiversity (ref). We hope that you will observe and appreciate the rich natural beauty of the area when you visit our ski area.

Riding the ski lift, you will enjoy the quiet tranquility of giant White Fir, Shasta Red Fir, and Ponderosa Pine trees, covered in fluorescent green Usnia, Wolf, and other lichens, towering over you.

We have a number of animals who consider the Mt. Ashland area home, including coyotes, bobcats, Pacific fishers, and subnivean critters like voles, mice, chipmunks, and more. Overhead, you will often hear the songs and sounds of mountain chickadees, towhees, hummingbirds, woodpeckers, and more.

If you encounter wildlife, please be respectful. Feel free to take photos, but please remember that you are a visitor to their home.

In summer 2016, Mt. Ashland installed 85 solar panels on top of the ski area vehicle shop roof. This 27.795 kW Sun Power system offsets about 12% of the ski area’s annual energy consumption. Here is a link to real-time data about the energy being produced, compliments of our favorite star.

The $113,000 project is supported in part by Pacific Power’s Blue Sky Program customers and the Energy Trust of Oregon, in partnership with Mt. Ashland’s donors and sponsors.

STOKE Certified Ski Area

In May, 2017, Mt. Ashland became the first ski area to become STOKE Certified. STOKE (Sustainable Tourism Operator’s Kit for Evaluation) Certified is the world’s first sustainability certification program for surf and ski tourism operators. Through its network of independent evaluators, STOKE verifies the legitimacy of sustainability claims made by operators and provides transparency for the public through its certification programs—STOKE Surf and STOKE Snow. STOKE Surf has member properties in Fiji, the Mentawai Islands, Costa Rica, Liberia, Baja California, the Telo Islands, and the Philippines while STOKE Snow has members in California, Oregon, Washington, and Maine. For more information, go to and our Sustainability page.

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