A Message About Uphill Access from Our Board President
We have heard from several of you regarding the recent change in the uphill policy. I want to let you know that the board has received these, and has discussed the policy and the expressed concerns in great detail. We maintain our support of the recent changes, with the caveat that more needs to be done to enforce the policy in order to provide for the safety of uphillers and our workers. Mt Ashland policy is in line with, and in many cases allows more access than, other regional ski areas, many of which uphill access is entirely prohibited.
We understand that this is frustrating, especially for those who have diligently followed the rules and policy.
Several have expressed that uphillers have been freely skiing the front side for 20 years. If you think back, the use was a small group of experienced and well educated climbers. As several of you have mentioned, the sport has grown. We now see dozens of users on a given day, with a wide variety of skill
levels and understanding.
I have been on the board for over 7 years, and recall that safety issues and concerns were occurring even then. Hiram [previous General Manager] made the board aware of his concerns and noted that as use was increasing so were the problems. He acknowledged and recommended that a policy was sorely needed to address safety concerns and liability. However, he did not get that completed before he left.
Mt. Ashland Ski Area supports responsible uphill access but must balance recreation with operational safety. Safety concerns and operational disruptions have reached a level that requires immediate action.
Escalating violations of the current policy have created life-threatening situations, including skiers entering active grooming zones and hazardous winch line incidents and have interfered with essential mountain operations, delaying critical work. You may have read, a recent winch-cat incident in Switzerland resulted in a fatality. A tragedy of this nature at Mt. Ashland could have devastating legal and financial consequences.
While safety concerns have absolutely been the primary driver of the policy, it is also true that uphill violations on storm days do degrade the quality of the skiing surface for lift-served guests, further impacting operations. Storm conditions also coincide with the lowest visibility for snowcat operators and snowmobile riders.
We have engaged the uphill community extensively through meetings, forums, and partnerships, including hosting events at a financial loss. The outreach and interactions regarding uphill access has proportionally exceeded any of our other feedback gathering activities with the many other stakeholders and groups.
Unfortunately, misinformation is spreading through social media and online discussions, misrepresenting our policies and the impact of uphill travel. Uphill access must be managed responsibly to ensure the safety of all mountain users and the sustainability of Mt. Ashland Ski Area.
We plan to step up efforts to gain compliance with the uphill policy. Several of you have suggested that this needs to occur and the board and staff agree. Enforcement will include use of paid staff, volunteers with law enforcement experience, and technology. Staff is working on an enforcement plan with help from volunteers. Violators may face pass revocation or, in extreme cases, trespassing determinations.
I also want to point to a few other changes and ideas that have been discussed.
- We added a 24/7 route available in the Void area. Route signs have been purchased. We would welcome a volunteer to work with the mountain to locate the route and help post the route signs.
- We have discussed a number of other possible ideas with several folks such as an AT/skimo club, to sponsor and plan more scheduled uphill events.
- We will continue to explore other opportunities for uphill travel within the ski area boundary that do not interfere with lift supported use such as the area west of the boundary trail. This would take some investment and require review and approvals from the Forest Service.
- We will continue to evaluate and improve signage and communication with users to reduce any confusion on uphill access.
In closing, this policy update is necessary to prevent a tragedy and ensure the continued operation of Mt. Ashland Ski Area as a lift-service focused ski area. We understand that this change is disappointing, but we ask for the community’s understanding and support in respecting the policy changes. Uphill access can only continue if users follow the rules and prioritize safety.
Mary Smelcer
Board President
Mt Ashland Association