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Meet Our Newest Board Member: Brian Dunagan

Brian and his wife Lisa have lived in the valley since 2010. They met 32 years ago while Brian was a ski bum in Tahoe. They have two girls and one boy. Shawnee 33, engineer in Reno, Cary 31 SOU grad and in Marketing for On Running, Sara 27, a math teacher at South Medford. There youngest started high school at Ashland High and she is the fourth generation OSU Beaver Graduate. Brian’s dad and grandfather graduated with engineering degrees from OSU. His grew up in Portland and mom in Seattle. Brian’s grew up in the East Coast and moved back for the west coast to attend college at OSU where he graduated. Lisa works for Alan DeBoer and is extremely active in the Rogue Valley. They have two goats, a cow, seven chickens and a rooster. Two dogs and a cat.

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